October Birthday Vote

⚪ Vote thru video voting (watch 40 ads ( 1 vote 50 votes up) watch every 10 mins
⚪ You can use yellow & rainbow starrs to vote
⚪ 1st Place Reward
● COEX Shilla Stay
⚪ Voting ends on Sep.23

3Q Best Radio Song 📻

⚪ 1 vote = 15 chamsims (unlimited voting. Use Blue 💙 only
⚪ Voting ends on Octt. 11 23:59(KST)
⚪️ Winner Reward: MBC Rdio Official Instagram Hall of Fame (Story Highight)

KGMA Top 10 Songs (Final voting)

⚪ Fancast Fan Vote is 35% of KGMA criteria
⚪ Round percrbtage
●1st voting = 25%
●2nd voting = 25%
●Final voting = 50%
⚪ Collect hearts by
● Checking attendance
● Watching Ads
● Participating in Mission
⚪️ 1 vote = 200💛
100 max vote limit per day
⚪️ 2nd Voting ends on Nov. 09

JUPITER Music Awards
Most Popular Solo Male Performer

⚪ 1 vote = 20💛
100 votes limit per day (2000💛)
⚪ Collect 💛 by completing attendance & watching 15 ADs daily
⚪️ Winner Reward
The Final winner will receive trophy at The Asian Television Awards
⚪️ Voting ends on Nov. 06 24:00

Fans' Choice Male Award
VISA Fans Choice of the Year

⚪ Scroll down, click Jimin's name
You will need to vote on female category too (vote for TWICE) to be able to proceed. Click the cpnsent box then Final Submission
⚪ Next vote on VISA category
⚪ 1 Mnet acct per device (use all your phones to vote)
⚪ Voting ends in Nov 15


⚪ Look for South Korea then click JIMIN-WHO
⚪ Voting is unlimited
⚪️ Voting ends on Nov.

Solo Category

⚪ Scroll down the page & click Jimin's name
⚪ You can vote once daily (24:00 reset time) Vote multiple times using all your registered Diggus acct.
⚪ Top 2 artist in each category will receive:
1st: Online AD worth 2M KRW & Display AD in Seoul
2nd: Online AD worth 1M KRW
Total 1st Place: Vibe mAin Playlist
⚪ Voting ends on Nov. 20 23:59 (KST)


⚪ Upvote Jimin. You can vote 3x every hour.
⚪ Watch the AD to get 3 more votes.
⚪ Log in thru your sns to vote again, log out to change to another account to vote multiple times.
⚪ Voting ends on Nob. 30 24:00-KST.


⚪ Choose ジミン (Jimin)
Click your age bracket, recaptcha box then vote.
⚪ You can only participate once. Vote thru all the browsers in your device & different IP addresses.⚪ Voting ends on Dec 2 & 11 (11:00 AM-KST)


⚪ Use JAM to vote for Jimin. Always wait for TIME ATTACK EVENT announcement for MASS VOTING
⚪ Click here for the guide.
⚪️ Ckmpensation for Final Winner
● 7 Domestic packages Advertisements + 1 Monthly Best Pick Special Badge
⚪️ Semi-Final ends on Dec. 13


Male Individual Ranking (Jan.)

⚪️ Click here for the guide on how to collect hearts
⚪️ Unlimited voting
⚪️ Voting ends on January 31


⚪ You can vote once every hour (set an hourly alarm)
⚪️ Use all your available IPs
⚪️ Voting ends on January 31

DABEME Music Awards
Best KPOP Music Video

⚪ Scroll down till you find Jimin's name, click recaptcha box and vote
⚪ Voting is unlimited so vote as many times as you can.
⚪ KPOP Video of the Year winner will be determined by the number of views
⚪ Tiktok vote winner will be determined by the number of likes👍


⚪ Song of the week
● Vote every 4 hours
● Vote on website 2x daily
● Vote on IOS/Android App 6x daily + requests

Round 164th

⚪ Click here for guide on how to vote.
⚪1st Place benefits:
● Online (Star News Portal) article support #1 in 4 weeks
● Outdoor electronic display support
⚪ Poll ends on Dec. 19 15:00 KST

Superstar Brand Power
Best Album (FACE)
Male Singer
KPOP Best Vocal
MostHandsome Star
KPOP Best Physical
Best Dancer

⚪ Click the circle on the right side to vote, it will ask you to log in thru Naver, Google or Kakaotalk acct.
⚪ Scroll down the page and vote in all the categories JM are nominated in. You can vote 3x per category every 6 hours.
⚪ Recommend an article to get 15 voting tickets daily
⚪ Click 💎 Get the right to vote at the tpp. There are 20 advertisements that you can watch per day. 1 ad is equivalent to 1 vote. You can use it to vote in any categpry of your choice

Male Idol Popularity Ranking

⚪️ Click here for the detailed guide how to vote.

KDOL.ME Ranking

⚪ Collect hearts by going to heart factory and vote for Jimin.⚪ Click here for the guide.

Daily Polls & Choeaedol Pick

⚪ Poll resets daily.⚪ If you wish to support Jimin on this Choeaedol click here for the guide.⚪We always post in the community feel free to cast your votes to our post. Both of us will get 10% rewards for the number of votes that you will cast to my post. The votes you will give to us will be used for Jimtober so please help us earn hearts.Choeaedol Pick is conducted for 7 days. You can vote once a day under one topic. Click here for the guide.

Asian Celebrity Of The Year

⚪ Hourly voting on website
⚪ App voting
● You can earn votes by watching ADs (max 1500 votes per day) resets at 8AM-KST
⚪ Social Media Voting
● Twitter > "I vote #JIMIN for Asian Celebrity of the Year #ACOTY2024 #ACOTY2024JIMIN @thenreport #NETIZENSREPORT"
● Weibo> “I vote #JIMIN for Asian Celebrity of the Year #ACOTY2024 #ACOTY2024JIMIN #NETIZENSREPORT”
● Instagram> “I vote #JIMIN for Asian Celebrity of the Year #ACOTY2024 #ACOTY2024JIMIN”
@thenetizensreport #NETIZENSREPORT
⚪ Criteria> APP VOTES 45%+WEB VOTES: 45%+SOCIAL MEDIA: 10%
⚪ Voting ends on November 30
⚪ Rewards
• Winner And Top 20 Finalists Unveiled On Multiple Digital Billboard Screens At Times Square New York In December
• Announce On Several Roku TV Entertainment Channels
• Featured On Multiple Billboard Screens Across The United States, including Los Angeles, Miami, etc.
• Cover The Netizens Report Year-End Magazine Issue Both In Print And Digital

October Birthday Vote

⚪ 1 vote = 20 Hearts
(Unlimited Voting)
➢ Free members will be given 100 free 🩷 hearts (5 votes) daily & 300🩷 (15 votes) for paid members (it expires daily so use them before reset
⚪ Watch ADs (can be done on Bugs app only > go to heart station, not available on web)
⚪ 1st Place Reward:
• COEX Media Tower's Large Signage (Cheongdam & Daechi both sides) for 7 days
• Birthday Bus Wrapping Advertising(10.01-10.31)
⚪️ Voting ends on Sept. 19

HITS 94.7
Song of the Summer

⚪ Open the google form & write WHO by Jimin inbthe blank. You can submit response as many times as you
⚪ The winning track will be crowned this summer’s ultimate anthem!
⚪ Voting ends on Sept. 01

DC INSIDE (Website)
Who is the “trusted” singer responsible for my playlist?

⚪ Click here for the detailed guide on how to vote.⚪ Poll ends on July 6, 23:59 KST

⚪ Hourly voting. You can vote using different browsers, data & IP addresses to vote multiple times
⚪️ Most Handsome Man ends on December 31

⚪️ Each user can cast 2 votes every day. (Voting resets at 124:00-KST)⚪️ You can get 1 more vote if you share the voting page (1x per day)⚪️ Voting ends on December 8 23:59 KST and the Winner will be awarded a MAMA 2021 on December 11th⚪ If you have multiple Tiktok accounts, please do not vote through the same device as it's considered as unjust voting. If you wish to use another Tiktok account, you must use other device with different IP address (use data if you already used your wifi in the 1st acct) if the site detect such activity of using multiple accounts in 1 device, you will be banned from voting within 24 hours.

⚪️ Hourly voting. Set your alarm so you'll be reminded to vote⚪️ Cutest BTS Childhood photo Voting ends on Aug.30Most Handsome Faces Kpop Voting Period (7-19 to 8-30)⚪️ The best Kpop Male dancer ends on 8-30The Most Hottest Kpop Male Idol Voting Period (07-10 to 08-30)The Most Stylish Kpop Male Idol ends on Aug.30


⚪️ Please click the links below on different social media platforms and stay there for 2 minutes or more by scrolling down the contents or reading news articles/reports about Jimin⚪️ You can also help by manually searching his name on different social media platforms using this "방탄소년단 지민"

NaverGoogleGoogle KoreaYouTubeTikTokDaumStar NewsWikipediaNate



⚪ Download Fanplus: IOS, Android1️⃣ Sign up using your Apple ID or Gmail account.
2️⃣ Set up your profile.
3️⃣ Pick a nickname, if the name already existed choose another unique nickname.
4️⃣ Select stars.
5️⃣ Choose BTS as your favorite star.
6️⃣ Choose Jimin (you can add other stars after you finished the profile as you'll need them for photo confirmation features)
7️⃣ Choose Bias (Jimin)
8️⃣ Complete your profile.

9️⃣ Go to settings then click enter referrer (enter this code #a00c5952 )
🔟 Once you entered the referrer it will bring you to phone number confirmation.

1️⃣1️⃣ Verify your active phone number. This is important, without confirming your number you won't be able to max out your friends up to 50. It will be limited to 3 people only.
1️⃣2️⃣ Select country (for country code) enter your phone number.
Once done, you'll get the 500 cash reward.


⚪ You can enter their nickname manually on the search bar or choose from suggested friends.
▶ Make sure to choose active friends who can exchange votes with you daily.
▶ You can send voting tickets 3 x daily.


Send votes 3x daily to all friends. You can earn 210 VTs if you have 70 friends
▶ Go to Mail Box to receive VTs sent by friends
▶ There is 30 minutes lapse before you can send again. Make sure to send & receive all the voting tickets before the time reset (11:30PM-KST) or it will dissappear.

Click Daily Voting Tickets (15 Vts)Daily Attendance earn up tp 1200 VTs if you completed the attendance for 7 consecutive daysWatch video ads 100 VTs per video. 500 VTs per day, (5 ads)Confirm photo.
▶ Go to photos click (+) ⇨ confirm photos, click (X) 50x (optional you can click "yes" in idols you want to confirm a photo) please see the actual ⬇

🔴 You'll probably encounter "there's no photo to confirm yet" this is because there's no photo uploaded for your bias yet, so you need to add favorite stars. Add as many as you can, don't worry, Jimin will stay as your bias in the main profile. More stars added means more photos to confirm. ⬇

Invite Friends to earn 3000 Voting TicketsComplete Invite Friends challenge to get various numbers of VTs

⚪ Do some Mission. Choices can be game missions or completing surveys.🚨 Validity Period of Cash & Voting Tickets 🚨⏰ Cash : valid for 1 yr after received⏰Tickets from ads, promotion or votes from friends: valid for 90 days after received.⏰ Voting tickets bought with cash: valid for 1 year after purchased⏰ Voting Tickets from daily attendance: valid only within the day before time reset 11:59:59 KST, so this should be cast daily.


From friends invitation and referring▶ If you invite a friend and the friend enter your nickname as referrer both you and your friend will get 500 cash.▶ Your friend must enter your invite code within 3 days after the sign-up.
After 3 days it can no longer be applied.

Daily log in bonus▶ For daily attendance you will receive cash everyday. Please do not forget to collect the cash so you will get the full reward until the last day of the week▶ Cash reset starts at 9AM KST (This is based on our observation in our country; Please note that this may vary depending on where you live)TIP: Collect the cash reward first before sending voting tickets to your friends so you will not forget

Daily log in bonus▶ For daily attendance you will receive cash everyday. Please do not forget to collect the cash so you will get the full reward until the last day of the week▶ Cash reset starts at 9AM KST (This is based on our observation in our country; Please note that this may vary depending on where you live)TIP: Collect the cash reward first before sending voting tickets to your friends so you will not forget


You can earn cash by being a referrer for those who recently install the app and by collecting the cash rewards for the daily attendance.⚪ You can buy items on the item shop. The items are Charge VTs, Friends VTs x2 Booster, Friends VTs x3 Booster and Add-Friend extension.

⚪ After buying, you can check those items bought in your item box.⚪ You can see the expiration dates of each item that you bought. Please make it a habit to always check those dates so that your cash will not be wasted and to maximize all the items that you bought. The exchanged items can be stored in ITEM BOX for 1 year.⚪ If you exchanged your cash to CHARGE VOTING TICKETS or you acquired some from the Friend Invite Challenge, make sure to click 'USE' as soon as you collected them as it can only be stored in the Item Box for 3 days. If you don't USE it within 3 days, it will be expired. After you click USE, the amount will be added in your current collected Voting Tickets.

⚪ Use these new features wisely so you can maximize the voting tickets you will get in exchange.Please do not forget to collect free cash rewards for the daily attendance so you will have more cash that you can use to buy these items.


1️⃣ Go to vote tab
2️⃣ Click the voting status to check the votes that will expire soon.
3️⃣ Go to Fanplus All-Rounder Contest or click here.

4️⃣ Cast the votes that will expire soon. Let's not cast all your votes yet and wait for the last day to cast them all so we can surely secure the top spot for Jimin.



⚪ Download CHOEAEDOL: IOS, Android1️⃣ Sign up or Log In using your SNS account.
2️⃣ Enter your nickname & recommender. You can enter our account (VOTE FOR JIMIN).
3️⃣ My Idol Settings will be shown on screen, click OK to set your favorite Idol.

DAILY HEARTS: Hearts that reset every night at 11:30PM KST

DAILY LOG-IN: 100 up to 1000 Daily hearts provided if you check in daily
LEVEL REWARD daily hearts provided by level when you log in.
HOT TIME LOGIN: 30 hearts when you log in from 8:00-11:30PM KST.
SEND & RECEIVE HEARTS FROM FRIENDS: You can send 3 hearts to each friend daily every 10 minutes. 4 hearts if you are subscribed to the daily pack. (DAILY PACK IS FREE FOR ONE MONTH FOR NEW USERS)
Max out your friends up to 300, join Jimin's community to gain many friends.

HEART BOX: Choose any images/gifs posted in Jimin's community. Click the image and you will see a heart at the top portion of the image/gif, click the heart at the top. You can get 7, 20, 100 or 1000. You can click 5 heart box every 4 hours. If you watch video AD once, you can open heart box once more, however heartbox is limited up to 10x in 4 hours (5x basic + 5x more) If all heart box run out "better luck next time" message will appear, try again after 4 hours.

EVER HEARTS: Hearts that can be stored and can be used when mass voting. The balance of ever hearts gets carried forward to next day. They will decrease or disappear when you use them. (Do not use EVER hearts in daily voting, please reserve them)

5️⃣ VIDEO ADS: 40 ever hearts every video ad. You can watch 5 ads every 30 minutes (Total of 400 ever hearts per hour)

6️⃣ MISSIONS & GAME CHALLENGES: You can earn certain number of hearts when you completed the missions. You can also purchase hearts at the heart shop.

1️⃣ Click CHOEAEDOL CELEB. You don't need to set up your profile because we are not using it, just simply run the app, open then done, you will be able to get 100 ever hearts after.
2️⃣ Click Follow weekly DongA, follow DongA or like the article, same with CHO CELEB just run it daily by opening it so you will get 100 ever hearts every day.

7️⃣ POST REWARD: Upload any high quality image of Jimin. (100 ever hearts daily)Upload any video (YouTube fancam, Music Video, Lyric video etc.) & Naver article links. (100 ever hearts daily)If you upload the same pictures or links which already existed in the last 10 posts, hearts are not provided so make sure to check before you upload your posts.Additional 100 ever hearts when you upload another image or link during hot time.Please always take note that you can get lots of bonus hearts during hot time.

8️⃣ VOTING REWARDS: [IMPORTANT] Do not vote on the main voting page (shown on picture below with big X). Instead go to Jimin's community, if you vote here you will earn 10% of the total votes you cast. (e.g. if you cast 1500 hearts you will only earn 150 hearts (1500 x 10%)) Now how can you help to make your votes more useful?Follow these steps: Click Jimin's name. It will bring you to the community. Look for ALL FOR JIMIN Jimin's top voter. You can also look for our posts VOTE FOR JIMIN Vote on their or our posts, it's usually a banner post (meaning it is always on the top 3 post in Jimin's community). Voting on their or our posts will also be added to Jimin's accumulated votes. Once you have voted you will still earn 10% of the total votes you cast + another 10% will be given to ALL FOR JIMIN or VOTE FOR JIMIN. In this way you can help us to earn lots of hearts that we can use to vote for Jimin.9️⃣ POPULAR POST REWARD
You can make your own post in the community. If your post receive more than 100 hearts, you will receive 10% of the votes cast. You can cast your votes in your own post so that you will earn 20% of the total votes cast.

🔟 INVITATION REWARD: Invite friends to install CHOEAEDOL. If they enter your nickname as the recommender, you will be rewarded with 1000 hearts. You can use our nickname "VOTE FOR JIMIN"

⚪ Please make sure to vote for Jimin on CHOEAEDOL PICK daily. Click here for the guide.
⚪ Do not use your EVER HEARTS. Please reserve them for special events such as 100 days & JIMTOBER.


1️⃣ Go to CHOEAEDOL app click the menu button
3️⃣ Click vote on whichever CHOEAEDOL PICK category is available for boy members.
4️⃣ Preliminary- choose an idol 9x including Jimin, they will show 9 sets of idols in random order, make sure to do not overlook his photo.
TIPS: * (Do not choose the idol who ranks on the Top 5, always pick the idols who ranks below the top 10 as all the Idols you'll pick will also get a point)
🔴 If you accidentally clicked other idol's picture instead of Jimin please DIRECTLY CLOSE/EXIT the CHOEAEDOL app (don't cancel or click the back arrow button on CHOEAEDOL) then open again the app to vote for Jimin on CHOEAEDOL pick.

5️⃣ Final- choose Jimin out of 9 idols you chose in Preliminary
6️⃣ Final confirmation - make sure to click the red square (right bottom) to save a screenshot of your vote in your gallery/camera roll.
7️⃣ Click results to see the rankings for the CHOEAEDOL PICK
🔴 You can vote ONCE daily per account for 7 days.


1️⃣ Install StarPlay ➡ IOS, Android
2️⃣ Sign up/Log in using your SNS account.
3️⃣ Change the language to English, click on the 3 lines on the top right, scroll down until you see the "Language" and select English.

4️⃣ Click Select my starSet up your profile
Choose the BTS icon
Select Jimin (You can select up to 2 members as stars, from the 3rd onwards it will cost you silver star tokens)
You will get a message to confirm the star you chose.


All Silver Star Tokens expire at 12:00 AM every 15th of the month.To earn silver tokens:⚪ Watch ads (10 ads/hour) 5 Ads for charging point 1 & 5 Ads at charging point 2 (1 AD 10 SST)⚪ Complete missions⚪️ Buy Gold Star Tokens from the Token Store. GST can be converted to Silver Star Tokens (100 GST = 200 SST)

(NOTE:) You can create & switch to multiple accounts thru Google, Apple ID & KKT accts.


1️⃣ Click menu and look for the globe icon then click.
2️⃣ Check the English option to set your language.
3️⃣ Click Ok.

4️⃣ Look for the current poll title then click.
5️⃣ Click the vote button beside Jimin’s photo.

⚪ POLL COMMENT - 10 Silver star per comment 3x a day = 30 silver star
⇨ go to the poll voting page
⇨click view all
⇨ write a comment
⚪ Share your vote on SNS⚪ When you receive the Silver tokens you may cast your vote to Jimin any amount of tokens you've got!⚪ Create many accounts! There's no limit, in every acct you register you will get 100 Silver Star Token reward! For 10 accts it's already 1k tokens 2k for 20 accts and so on!

6️⃣ Put the number of Silver Star Tokens you want to cast for Jimin.
7️⃣ Click Ok.
8️⃣ A circle with the words “voting complete” along with your username will appear after voting. This indicates that your vote is counted.

Once a day, you will earn 10 time 💙 chamsims when you attended plus attendance bonus by level (UPUP! according to level)
⚪️ Write comment:
Once a day, you will earn 20 time chamsims for the first comment. Go to "VOTE" click any ongoing poll & write any comment (One word comment will do)
⚪️ Community post::
Go to community page & post once a day to earn 20 Time chamsims.
Popular Post
If your community post got 30 likes you'll get 30 Time chamsims. If you go to Most Popular & comment/ post under that post there's a higher chances that your post get likes faster. JiminCorolla has a steady popular post daily, you may create your community post in the reply section. Like the other comments in the replies as well so everyone can get 30 likes.
⚪️ Solve quizzes:
Refer to the announced amount by quiz (they usually give 30 Time chamsims for every quizzes)
📢 Please check @onlyquizanswers Twitter account, they're providing answers to random quizzes
Level Up reward:
Always participate in the other voting to consume your Time chamsim before it expires if there's no poll where Jimin is in. It will hell you to level up faster.


1️⃣ Install Idol Champ ➡ IOS, Android
2️⃣ Login via SNS
3️⃣ Select Idol (BTS)


Time Chamsim = 💙 heartTime chamsim are available only by the end of the month of earning them, and will expire on the first day of the next month of earning them.How to use: Vote, Quiz, LIVE Streaming, Fandom AD, ChartHow to earn:

Create a community post/ (Register your nickname in My info>change profile)
1️⃣ Go to community tab.
2️⃣ Click create post.
3️⃣ Post anything or photos and you will earn 20 Time chamsims (blue heart).

Ruby Chamsim = ❤️ heartOnce you earn the ruby chamsim, they don’t expire and are available anytime!How to use: Vote, Quiz, LIVE Streaming, Fandom AD, ChartHow to earn:

Reward for level UP⚪ Attendance video bonus (10 Ruby❤️)Go to store by clicking the store Icon
⚪️ Play the Roulette
You need to watch AD to be able to get a chance for a roulette spin. You can get various amount of Ruby ❤️ per spin
(Daily viewing allowance is up to 5 times, and may be changed depending on ad campaign availability)

⚪ Participating & completing missions⚪️ 20% Payback for star-giving fundraising (UPUP! according to grade)⚪️ Buying Ruby chamsims

▫️The chamsim available for each vote may vary, so please check each vote.
▫️All Chamsim can be earned using only one account per device.▫️The above policy on earning and using Chamsim may change further in the future depending on the service operation conditions.NOTE: (You can only create 1 Idol Champ account per device)


1️⃣ Open Idol Champ and look for Best Position poll or Click here.

2️⃣ Click the heart button to vote.
3️⃣ A message should appear saying that you already voted or a check mark on top of Jimin's picture will appear as an indication that you voted.


1️⃣ Click this link to register
2️⃣ Click the toggle arrow at the upper right of the page & choose your preferred language.
3️⃣ Choose BTS for bias group.
4️⃣ Choose Jimin as bias member.
5️⃣ Subscribe to KDOL ME premium for bonus additional hearts


Share your link to your friends (300💜 + 1 gem + 300 💜 for premium users) [until 6 AM-KST]
2️⃣ Daily attendance 2
Access 3 friend's Kdol link daily (200💜 + 1 gem + 200 💜 for premium users) [until 6 AM-KST] You can just add 3 links in your Kdol app for quick access, if you have multiple accts you can save the 3 of them. Just tap them daily, it's faster & easier, you'll instantly get the attendance reward.
If you only have 1 Kdol acct, you may click to access these links
Kdol link 1
Kdol link 2
Kdol link 3
You can save them in your Kdol app too. Just click + on Daily Attendance 2 & copy paste these links, and tap them daily.
3️⃣ Daily attendance 3
Log in & press the button everyday (150💜 + 250 💜 for premium users) until 24:00-KST
4️⃣ Daily attendance 4
Press the button daily (300 💜 + 300 💜 for premium users)
5️⃣ Watch AD 1 & 2 every 10 minutes
(400 💜 + 400 💜 for premium users)
5️⃣ Do some missions/games (random big amount of 💜 rewards)

6️⃣ You can use your gems to get random amount of hearts (10 gems per spin)


1️⃣ Click the crown Icon at the bottom of the page.
Look at the voting timer (below the real time ranking) to see how much more time is remaining. Cast your votes preferably at 11:30 - 11:59 PM-KST. Check the current rankings, determine how many votes you will cast depending on the actual gap of votes.
2️⃣ Click the red ❤️ in "MY IDOL" to vote (Give my heart to my bias)
3️⃣ Enter the desired amount of hearts you want to cast. Press Send.


⚪ For the link click here⚪ You can vote multiple times.⚪ Notification will appear if your vote has been counted.⚪ Click watch ad (not really an Ad, it will take you to the app store).⚪ Refresh the site & vote again.⚪ The 2nd screenshot (vote not sent) will show up if you didn't click watch ad.


⚪ Install Mubeat ➡ IOS, Android⚪ If it is not available in your region please use this link to download (for Android)1️⃣ Homepage
2️⃣ Go to profile then click log in
3️⃣ Choose any SNS account to log in
4️⃣ Agree with terms then click Sign Up
5️⃣ MUBEAT Voting Guideline
6️⃣ Heart beats & Star beats guide.

7️⃣ Set up your profile, use any picture & preferred nickname.
8️⃣ Follow BTS, Click the trophy icon below, choose BTS.
9️⃣ Under BTS profile are all the members profile, click Jimin's name & follow. You can follow any member you wish to follow.


1️⃣ Go to homepage and then click 'Store'2️⃣ Watch ADs 15x per day (3 heart beats per ad) You can create multiple accounts in one device by logging in thru your sns (Google, Facebook, Twitter)3️⃣ Complete the quiz (30 heart beats if you answer all the 10 questions correctly) Click here for the answers in some quizzes. You can watch ADs for up to 7 accts per device daily.4️⃣ Participate in missions.


1️⃣ Open Mubeat, click the button shown in the picture or click here.

2️⃣ Click the Mubeat Tab.3️⃣ Look for the October Birthday AD and open.4️⃣ Look for Jimin and click the violet heart button to vote. 3 heart beats is equivalent to 1 vote. You can collect heart beats again & voting is unlimited.


Find the category below the page after you open the voting link.
1️⃣ Choose "지민" (Jimin)
2️⃣ Choose "열정적" (passionate)3️⃣ After that click the purple button at the bottom. (Vote and view results)⚪ After clicking the purple button the message a dialogue box will pop up saying “투표에 참가해주셔서 감사합니다. 해당 투표 데이터는 뉴스 기사 및 광고주의 빅데이터로 활용 됩니다.” which means “Thank you for your participation in the vote. The voting data is used as big data for news articles and advertisers.” Just click close below and it will take you to the result of the poll.You can vote every 3 hours. Use different browsers to vote multiple time & different IP addresses data/wifi
▫️ Chrome
▫️ Safari
▫️ Firefox
▫️ Opera
▫️ Lynx


DC Inside My Celebs Poll Link1️⃣ Choose "지민" (Jimin)2️⃣ Choose ""착하다" (kind)3️⃣ After that click the purple button at the bottom. (Vote and view results)⚪ After clicking the purple button the message a dialogue box will pop up saying “투표에 참가해주셔서 감사합니다. 해당 투표 데이터는 뉴스 기사 및 광고주의 빅데이터로 활용 됩니다.” which means “Thank you for your participation in the vote. The voting data is used as big data for news articles and advertisers.” Just click close below and it will take you to the result of the poll.You can vote multiple times by using different browsers.


1️⃣ Like Special Awards' Twitter post of Jimin.2️⃣ Comment tags as much as possible in the reply section of Jimin's photo post. You can use this: I vote for #parkjimin #jimin for Top Face 2021 #topface2021.3️⃣ Share the tweet or IG post of Jimin to all your social media accounts along with these phrase I vote for #parkjimin #jimin for Top Face 2021 #topface2021.


1️⃣ Scroll down and look for the red rectangle box with a heart. Click it to vote.

2️⃣ It will take 10 hours to vote again. Watch the video ad below to reduce the voting waiting time by 2 hrs, so you'll have 3 chances to vote in one day (Set your alarm so you won't miss your next voting hour)
3️⃣ You can vote in both phone data & wifi connection.
4️⃣ You can vote multiple times using different IP addresses (cellular data & wifi connection) plus opera mini browser

⚪️ Upvote JIMIN 3 times every 30 minutes (set your alarm)⚪️ Play the ad that will appear after you vote to get another chance to vote.⚪️ Vote using data & wifi connections (different IP addresses)
⚪ Log in on King Choice thru your sns account.
⚪ You can vote multiple times if you log in using your different sns accounts, there's a log out option so you can switch to different accounts.⚪ Another way to vote thru sns, you need to copy the KC link and post in your sns (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Line, KakaoTalk, Discord, messenger)⚪ You need to copy and open the link in your sns, you can send the link to yourself or post on Facebook timeline. Vote thru these sns platforms every 30 minutes⚪️ Voting ends on May 31

⚪️ Download the app, Agree to all terms & conditions (You don't need to log in or set up your app profile)⚪ Scroll down to on-going Star Poll. Click the Poll category.⚪ Click the star beside Jimin's name. A prompt message will appear 지민 를 선택하시겠습니까 ( Do you want yo choose Jimin) Click the orange box.Another prompt message will appear참여 완료하셨습니다 (You have completed your participation

⚪️ Download the app, Agree to all terms & conditions (You don't need to log in or set up your profile app)NOTE: There's an option to change the language in English. Click the 3 bars ⇶ at the upper left of the main page to open the Menu.⚪ Scroll down to on-going Star Poll. Click the Poll category.⚪ Click the star beside Jimin's name. A prompt message will appear 지민 를 선택하시겠습니까 ( Do you want yo choose Jimin) Click the orange box.⚪ Another prompt message will appear참여 완료하셨습니다 (You have completed your participation)⚪ Click again the star to vote, repeat the voting 5x.How to Vote unlimited:
⚪ Uninstall the StarPoll App then re-install then vote again. Do it over & over.
Another Method:
⚪ After you vote click the toggle arrow < on the upper left of the page. Click the 3 bars ⇶ (Menu) Click this 앱 설정 (App setting) located at the bottom.
⚪ This will appear 사용자 데이터 삭제 (delete user data) Click this orange font message on the right 삭제 (delete)⚪ 2 prompt messages will appear, just click the orange box to proceed.⚪ Click the toggle arrow again <. The app will ask to log in thru sns just click the ✖️ at the upper right of the page to close.⚪ You can now vote again, just folllow the initial steps. Do it over and over to vote many times⚪ Check the video below for the actual guide on how to vote.

How to vote:1. Click the ♡, a prompt message will appear, click OK.
2. LOG IN thru Naver/ FB, Google, KakaoTalk
3. Go to the poll category
4. Click again the ♡ 3x, it will show how many votes you have cast
⚪ Get additional 20 Voting Tickets everyday by recommending Jimin's Top Star News articles
⚪ Just click ↪️ back on the page everytime an ad or some links keeps popping up


How to vote:

⚪On Main page, click 'One Pick' then choose 'Themed Pick' at the bottom of the page⚪ Click October Idol Birthday Poll Boy, swipe the photo until you see Jimin's picture, click ✔ then vote⚪ The succeeding votes requires 1 diamond per vote. You can acquire diamond by purchasing on CHOEAEDOL store, and if you completed the attendance for 9 consecutive days, you will get 1 diamond in the 10th day.⚪ Check the actual video on how to vote. (Note: 1st vote is free, this is my next vote so I used 1 diamond)

(Tap the image for clearer details)

1️⃣ Which Korean male idol looks best in a hoodie
⚪ Choose BTSジミン (BTS JIMIN)
⚪ Choose your age group あなたの年齢は?(How old are you)⚪ Click “投票” (Vote)⚪ You can only participate once, but you can vote thru all the browsers in your device & different IP addresses (data/wifi)

2️⃣ K-POP male idols will make your heart beat! MV one scene you choose⚪ Choose BTS ジミン「Blood Sweat & Tears」⚪ Choose your age group あなたの年齢は?(How old are you?)⚪ Choose “色気” (sex appeal)⚪ Click “投票” (Vote)⚪ You can only participate once, but you can vote thru all the browsers in your device & different IP addresses (data /wifi)

1️⃣ log in thru SNS
2️⃣ You will get 3 votes for logging-in
3️⃣ Choose 'OST category'
4️⃣ Click “With You” and cast 3 votes
5️⃣ log out in the settings
6️⃣ switch another acct & cast another 3 votes


⚪Download FREEVOTE➢ IOS AndroidChange the language
1️⃣ Click the globe icon at the upper left corner.
2️⃣ Choose any language you prefer

Register a new account
1️⃣ Click the icon at the right bottom of the page
2️⃣ Click 'OK' to log in
3️⃣ Click 'Join' to set up your account

4️⃣ Fill out the form, make sure not to leave a blank (it does not need to be your personal info. Just use an ID & password that is easy to remember) Click join once completed.
5️⃣ Sign Up is completed, click OK to proceed.


⚪ Enter your ID & Password to log in.
⚪ Click the heart icon at the bottom of the page.

3 WAYS TO COLLECT HEART1️⃣ Charging - acquire hearts by purchasing. Charging Hearts expires 180 days from the date of purchased.

2️⃣ GIFT - You can send or receive gifts hearts.
Click gift⇨ choose the heart type (free or charging) ⇨Select Quantity⇨Enter receipients nickname

3️⃣ FREE - it can be earned by doing some missions.
Instagram - Following accounts.
YouTube - watching videos
KakaoTalk - Adding channels
Naver - liking Ads/ posts
Free hearts expires 50 days from the acquired date.

⚪ You can create multiple accounts. Log out to switch to another account.To log out:
Click the profile icon⇨settings (gear icon) ⇨ then log out


⚪ Download PODOALIOS Android1️⃣ Log in thru Google/Apple
2️⃣ Agree to terms & conditions
3️⃣Enter this referral code 41BFQR
4️⃣ Create your nickname
5️⃣ Search for BTS and select as your favorite artist


➢ We can earn thru “Free Charging”
➢ Video ADs (complete watching 10 & 25 ADs)
➢ PODO school clasess (Daily Quiz)
➢ PODO Passtival ( schedule once a month)
➢ PODO Farm (Store)
➢Jelly can be used in special votes such as Award voting.

➢ Invitation reward. Use this referral code 41BFQR when you create an account ( 2000 reward for me & 6000 for the new user)
➢ Attendance reward (check the daily attendance)
➢ Meal Time Reward. Visit to claim reward on this time schedule.
Breakfast (16:00 -18:00 KST)
Lunch (21:00 - 2300 KST)
Dinner (02:00 - 04:00 KST)
➢ Level Up reward (every 5 level)
➢ Join official community (1 time reward)
➢ Video AD Reward (300 AL per AD)
➢ Free charging (PODO Farm)
➢ PODO School Fandom test
➢ Jelly exchange (1 Jelly = 200 Podoal)
➢ PODOAL can be used in official (Birthdays. Debut) & Topic voting cetegories

HOW TO SIGN-UPDownload MNET ➢ Android IOS

➢ Agree terms and conditions
➢ Enter your date of birth
➢ Fill out “Sign up” form
▪️ Put your gmail
▪️ Create password (must contain 8 to 20 characters alphabet,number & special character)
▪️ Confirm password
▪️ Click “Send Code”
➢ Go to your e-mail inbox
➢Enter the verification code
➢ Your sign-up is complete
Pre voting ( Saturday12:00 AM-KST
Live Voting ( Thursday 6:00 PM-KST)

HOW TO SIGN UPDownload ALLCHART ➢ Android IOS1️⃣ Log in thru your sns
2️⃣ Agree to all Terms & conditions
3️⃣ Set your profile name, diuble check then save.
4️⃣ Click enter additional info to get hearts
5️⃣ Click register for additional info. Fill out the info plus your email.
A code will be sent to your email. Enter the verification code & register.
6️⃣ Your sign-up is complete
ALLCHART is used for MUSIC BANK Pre-Voting

HOW TO COLLECT VOTES⚪️ Watch Youtube clips (2 hearts) When the 50 secs coubtdown ends, click the blue bar at the bottom of YT page
⚪️ Do Naver Missions
Check the poster on how to complete the naver missions (6 hearts)
⚪️ YT & Naver missions renews every week (Monday)
⚪️ Do other korean missions. Use chrome browser so the insteuctions can be translated to english
⚪️ free hearts have 90 days validity perios
⚪️ 1 vote = 5 hearts
⚪️ Click here for the video guide on how to do naver mission

Pre voting starts every Sunday 11PM to Wenesday 11PM

APK LINK for unsupported device
Warning ⚠️
APK can be harmful on your device so download at your own risk.
(This app will be used for SBS INKIGAYO VOTING
➢ Log in thru your sns
➢ Agree to all terms & condition
➢ Select your bias. Enter BTS on the search bar then click Jimin's name.
➢ Set up your profile
➢ Create/Register multiple accounts using all your available Google/KKT/Apple ID & Naver acct. (Voting using multiple account is allowed)
Pre voting: (Monday 3PM to Friday 11:59 PM (KST)
You can vote once a day per account but your are required to choose (3) songs.

Download HIGHER ➢ Android IOS
➢ Agree fo all terms & conditions
➢ Enter BTS on the search bar & click Jimin's name
➢ Go to your page & click log in
➢ Click sign up
➢ Fill out the information form
➢ You can create multiple accts
HIGHER app is used for INKIGAYO Live Voting (Sunday 3:40 PM-KST)

HOW TO COLLECT VOTES➢ Click the diamond icon at the upper right part of the page
➢ Click charge to obtain free Rubies
➢ Watch 30 ads a day (1 AD = 1 Ruby)
➢ Participate in mission
➢ Ruby expires every 90 days
➢ Participate in missions
➢ Diamonds can be purchased on store